Rogue Partner Coffee began as an idea in 2021 when I visited my local coffee shop. I stood in line and noticed that, like me, everyone ordered at least one coffee for their group that included non-dairy milk.
I went home and immediately began to research to see just how mainstream this way of drinking coffee had become. To my amazement I discovered that 45% of UK adults aged 25-45 order their coffees with non-dairy alternative milks.
My mind began to race with the possibilities. So many of our most popular coffees contain a very high proportion of milk. Why are we not letting our choice of milk inform our decisions when we choose our coffee too? Surely different milks must combine well with different blends and roasts of coffee?
From this thought Rogue Partner Coffee was born.
I hope you are as exited to come along for the ride as we are!
1 comment
Great idea for a new venture! With non dairy milks becoming more popular, a coffee blended to suit is a perfect partner. The Dark Espresso is a favourite in our household but all three blends are delicious.